Service provider for Web development

Professional web applications free your digital service from dependence on location and end device.

As your service provider, we develop an individual web application on the Internet exactly according to your needs.

Whether end customer services (SaaS), entire online platforms (PaaS) or highly available applications (IaaS).

Tailor-made for every requirement

Individual web development

Benefit from all the advantages of a web application compared to a desktop installation:
  • Data sovereignty
  • Updates independent of users
  • State-of-the-art technology
  • Security
  • Can be used worldwide
  • Cross-platform
As specialists for complex and highly secure web applications, our expertise lies in the development of
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Development of online services for end customers. These can be social networks or other specialized applications.
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Often used by large banks or corporations to digitally optimize internal processes.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Cloud services and other hosting topics are associated with this item. The aim is to solve the use of IT infrastructure centrally and efficiently.


Stability through


We have been doing professional web development at the highest level for several decades, always at the cutting edge.
In the distant past, from simple HTML pages and JavaScript to today's single-page applications and complex cloud platforms used by thousands of users, we have experienced and seen everything.
Constant further development is particularly important to us and our partners - mastering the difficult balancing act and not falling victim to every costly hype.

Do Somethin great



Complex, distributed and highly secure applications for the banking industry with over a thousand users every day.


Cross-platform applications for mobile use. For data collection, highly secure data transmission and storage, as well as centralized provision of data processing


SinglePageApplications for particularly specialized industrial plants, including connection to native end devices.

Our toolbox

Full stack development

We always use exactly the right tool for a task instead of

treating every task as a nail and work on it with the same hammer.


  • VueJS
  • Angular
  • React
  • HTML/CSS/Javascript
  • Typescript


  • PHP
  • Python
  • Java
  • Spring boot
  • Laravel
  • Symfony
  • Rust


  • MariaDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • NoSQL
  • SQLite
  • MySQL


  • Flutter
  • NativeScript
  • Ionic
  • ReactNative

Security standards

  • JWT
  • OAuth
  • SSO

Basic tools

  • git
  • npm/Node.js
  • composer
  • RESTful
  • Redis
  • Webpack
  • Linux

Software service

Challenge? Accepted!

Outstanding services around Software development, support and consulting must provide answers to the six biggest challenges:

Time pressure

Decision-making processes often drag on for weeks and months. As soon as a decision has been made, things have to happen very quickly - you want to see progress as soon as possible (and rightly so!). More resources, more know-how, and quick results are required. Our developers are experienced in throwing themselves into every project without a lot of overhead work and quickly showing visible and yet sustainable results.

Old projects. Old code

Highly specialized programs in particular run quietly in companies for years or even decades. Until an adjustment is necessary - however: Nobody knows who developed the program, where exactly the data comes from or what the program actually does. We help: We analyze, evaluate and familiarize ourselves with the old source code. The code can then be expanded, secured or even completely rewritten in coordination with the partner.

Special security requirements

Secure software development is important to us. We believe that it is not enough to just work through compliance checklists. Criminals, hackers and sometimes competitors are not just theoretical threats. Highly secure software architecture and consistently protected software platforms are our speciality. For us, the requirements can never be high enough.

Permanent development partners

Most of our customers work with us as partners for years. They tell us their wishes and needs, we develop and advise on all topics related to software. Building trust, professionalism and consistently high quality are the pillars of our collaboration. Our lead developers are proud to quickly earn this trust with every new project.

Money Money Money

Lots of colorful features, highly secure development, a fully trained, 24/7 on-call development team and the product live tomorrow, ideally, with a new change every day. If the pot of money were infinite, we would do it without any problems. The reality of our partners is usually different. And we know that very well. We minimize costs right from the start, communicate openly, advise on which features are really necessary, how costs can be reduced by using Open Source, for example, which meetings really have added value and how much documentation is useful.

Let the idea become reality

With software, everything is possible. There are almost no limits to the digital world - the most successful companies in the world (the 'Big Five' such as Apple, Google, etc.) are based on an idea that became reality using software. Our job is to bring your ideas to life.

Ready for the next step?
We look forward to hearing from you