Are you unfamiliar with the term Open Source or do you not know exactly what we use Open Source for?
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The source code is public and accessible to everyone. This means that there are no functions hidden from users.
Anyone can adapt/extend the source code or correct any errors. Everyone has complete control over the use and thus the functions.
The use of Open Source software is regulated by different license models. The use of the software and its functions is free. The wheel does not have to be redeveloped for each project.
Open source code enables unrestricted testing before the software is used. Security gaps can be identified and fixed more quickly thanks to the 'many eyes'. Every change to the source code can be traced.
Through global communities, Open Source projects benefit from the latest technologies and further developments. This means that the quality of the software is constantly improved - regardless of budget and time problems.
If necessary, the code of Open Source software can be adapted and expanded to suit your own needs at any time.
The transparency mentioned creates trust in use. The elimination of security gaps and the worldwide use create well-tested and stable projects.
The transparent licensing models avoid hidden costs. Often the use of Open Source is completely free, even in the commercial sector.
In contrast to proprietary software, the use of Open Source software does not create a dependency on a specific provider (vendor lock-in). If an Open Source project is abandoned by the manufacturer, the project can be continued by anyone at any time.